Venture Capital Funding | Mizrahi Tefahot Bank LTD

Venture Capital Funding

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Improve your IRR and operational efficiency with Venture Capital Funding from UMTB

Venture capital funding, including Capital Call Facilities and Net Asset Value (NAV) Financing, can provide your venture capital fund with enhanced funding flexibility and improved returns.

Features and Benefits

At UMTB, our Venture Capital Funding offering can provide flexible financing options that:

  • Improve IRR and enhance investors’ return
  • Improve operational efficiency and burden on LPs
  • Enable portfolio support after capital commitments have been deployed

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What is a capital call facility?

A capital call facility, also known as a subscription credit facility, is a line of credit secured by the value of your unused capital calls from investors. A capital call facility can be used to minimize or delay capital calls, providing a more flexible source of funding. By shortening the investment term, it can improve your internal rate of return (IRR). Additionally, by providing easier access to cash funds (without having to make or wait for capital calls), it can smooth cash flow and increase operational efficiency.

What is NAV financing and how does it work?

Once your fund has deployed a significant portion of its capital commitments, NAV financing offers additional funding resources and flexibility. It can potentially improve fund returns and enable fund managers to focus on portfolio support and value creation.

Are the financing solutions customizable to suit my fund's specific needs?

Absolutely! Our financing solutions are tailored to the unique requirements of your venture capital fund. We take into consideration factors such as your fund's structure, portfolio quality, collateral package, and loan-to-value ratio to ensure the financing aligns with your objectives.